Children's Education Application and Research Center

Mersin University Child Education Application and Research Center started its activities with the Mersin University Child Education Application and Research Center Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated July 28, 2015 and numbered 29428.
The aim of the center is to develop children's talent areas using scientific approaches; to contribute to their development as individuals who unite, produce, and solve problems; to increase their awareness in the fields of culture, art, and sports, and to create awareness of nature and the environment.
The fields of activity of the center are as follows:
a) To increase the general knowledge and experience of children in the university environment, thus contributing to the dissemination of science, art and culture to the society and to the raising of generations that are introduced to scientific and artistic research methods at an early age,
b) To organize educational programs, science and nature camps, exhibitions, science schools and applied learning activities in various fields in order to contribute to the development of individuals in pre-school, primary and secondary school ages as multi-faceted individuals of our age,
c) To ensure that children develop interactive work habits by creating application environments in the fields of science, art, sports and culture within the academic framework, and to provide this information to the target audience who want to have knowledge in any field,
ç) To increase the interest and excitement of children in studying at a university by ensuring that they are introduced to the university environment at an early age and to guide them in setting goals,
d) To contribute to the elimination of potential resource distribution and labor market problems by eliminating potential mistakes that students may make when making career choices,
e) To eliminate potential mistakes that students may make when making career choices in advance and to eliminate potential resource distribution and labor market problems by eliminating potential resource to contribute to the elimination of labor market problems and distribution,
f) To spread sustainable education in preschool and primary education,
g) To increase the access of society to scientific information,
ğ) To help the university fulfill its responsibilities regarding society and to be more integrated with society by working with children,
h) To ensure the formation of university culture through science, art and sports education and activities in children,
ı) To ensure that children, families and educators are introduced to new education models in the university environment,
i) To ensure that children who do not have the chance to receive education in the fields of science, art, sports and culture for any reason receive education in the same environment as other individuals, to prepare written and electronic publications that will support the education-training process,
j) To ensure that university opportunities are evaluated within the scope of the Center's activities, to organize all kinds of national and international activities of scientific, artistic, sports and cultural nature, to engage in publication and broadcasting activities,
k) To write and carry out projects at national and international levels and to cooperate in organizations organized within the scope of children's activities,
l) To enable academicians to conduct scientific applications and research regarding the education-training activities to be carried out to provide,
m) To develop new activities for the purpose of educating the target audience, to evaluate them and to share the applications locally, nationally and internationally,
n) To develop strategies regarding the education of the target audience, to evaluate the current applications in this field and to contribute to the development of current methods locally, nationally and internationally,
o) To share innovations and knowledge in science, culture and art with children, teachers and families by associating them with education-training curricula,
ö) To issue participation certificates to children and young people participating in the center's programs.