Distance Education Application and Research Centre

Genel Görünüm


Distance education is an education model in which education is carried out independently of time and space, a computer is used as a learning, presentation, and communication tool, and education is carried out synchronously or asynchronously depending on whether the teacher and student are interactive at the same time. Distance education is not a new teaching understanding and practice. Distance education has been carried out for over a century using letter teaching, open education, teleconference applications, and internet technologies in recent years.  


This application provides education to larger masses who want to receive education. Equality of opportunity in education is created. Information can be delivered to more people who want to learn in different geographies. Working students can learn as much as they want, whenever they want, regardless of time. Education opportunities are also provided for the physically disabled.


The Centre aims to carry out planning, programme, coordination, and implementation activities for distance education within the scope of all education programmes including associate, undergraduate, graduate and lifelong education at Mersin University based on communication and information technologies;
a) To increase efficiency by ensuring that higher education is spread to new student masses and to disseminate information to all masses,
b) To increase the effectiveness of education based on the multiple and interactive media possibilities provided by technology and unlimited access to information,
c) To facilitate academic interaction and cooperation within the University, between universities, in cooperation with national and international institutions and organizations by ensuring the sharing of education and training opportunities.

"A World University In The Light of Science and Modernity"