Faculty of Divinity

2025-02-06 13:04:03
2024-2025 Eğitim-Öğretim Yılı Bahar Dönemi Akademik Kurul Toplantısı Gerçekleştirildi...

2025-02-06 13:01:43
Fakültemiz Öğretim Üyesi New York'ta Düzenlenen Kongrede Sunum Gerçekleştirdi....

2025-01-23 09:59:11
I. İlahiyat Araştırmaları Öğrenci Sempozyumu...

2024-12-23 16:51:49
Yapay Zeka Sunumu Gerçekleştirildi....

2024-12-18 15:20:25
Dekan Yardımcımız panele katıldı....

2024-12-18 15:11:04
Sabah Namazı Buluşması...

2024-12-18 15:07:43
Osmanlı Arşiv Metinlerini Okuma...

2024-12-18 15:05:22
Siyer-İbn Ebî Şeybe Okumaları ve Sahabe Sohbetleri...

2024-12-16 13:16:16
Gençlik Buluşması...

2024-12-16 13:14:26
Dekanımız Nil RTV'de Tercihimiz Mersin Üniversitesi Programına Konuk Oldu...

2024-12-12 15:42:54
2025-02-12 10:30:27
Bildiri Özeti Yazım Eğitimi...
2025-02-12 10:18:13
Kuran-ı Kerim'i Güzel Okuma Yarışması Ön Eleme...
2025-01-23 09:57:23
2025-01-21 15:28:25
2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Bütünleme Takvimi...
2025-01-06 09:45:37
Final Takvimi (2024-2025 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Güz Dönemi)...
2024-12-19 12:27:03
Bilimsel Araştırma ve Öğretimde Yapay Zeka Kullanımı...
2024-12-18 15:14:40
Tasavvuf Sohbetleri...
2024-12-05 08:45:28
Pratik Arapça Dersleri...
2024-12-02 14:39:30
Kur’an-ı Kerim'i Güzel Okuma Yarışması...
2024-11-26 09:29:33
Mazeret Sınavları Hakkında...
2024-10-30 10:42:06
2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Vize Sınav Programı...
- Our mission is to produce knowledge related to Basic Islamic Sciences, Religious Sciences, and Islamic History and Arts; to train individuals who possess ethical and aesthetic values, respect social values, and are professionally competent; and to establish a modern education method and culture.
- Our vision is to become a distinguished Faculty of Theology that is preferred primarily on a national level, and eventually recognized and preferred internationally.
- The Faculty of Theology was established by the Decree published in the Official Gazette dated December 7, 2016, and numbered 2991. Our faculty aims to train individuals who can interpret Islamic religious values in accordance with the needs of the era and who are equipped to meet the religious needs of society.
- The faculty admitted its first students in 2019 and produced its first graduates in 2023. Our faculty does not have an Arabic preparatory class.
- There are 3 departments and 20 major disciplines in our faculty. Under the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, there are the following major disciplines: Religious Education, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religions, History of Philosophy, Logic, and Islamic Philosophy. Under the Department of Basic Islamic Sciences, there are the following major disciplines: Arabic Language and Rhetoric, Hadith, Theology, Quranic Recitation and Sciences, Sufism, Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis), Islamic Law, and History of Islamic Sects. Under the Department of Islamic History and Arts, there are the following major disciplines: Turkish Religious Music, Turkish Islamic Literature, History of Turkish Islamic Arts, and Islamic History.
- Our faculty offers Thesis and Non-Thesis Master's programs in Philosophy and Religious Studies, as well as in-service Second Education Master's programs with Thesis and Non-Thesis options in Basic Islamic Sciences.
- The academic staff of our faculty consists of 23 members, including 4 Professors, 6 Associate Professors, 5 Assistant Professors, 1 Doctoral Lecturer, 1 Lecturer, and 6 Research Assistants.
You can access introductory videos about our faculty through the following links:
Promotional videos on our faculty’s Social Media Accounts: