Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

The Faculty was founded in 1992 to provide a fouryear bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, Public Administration, Public Finance, International Relations and Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, including six department continues educational activities. Department of Business Administration, starting in 1997 was to give the first graduates student of the faculty in the academic year 19931994. Department of Economics in the academic year 19951996, Public Administration in the academic year 19981999, the Public Finance in the academic year 20052006, the department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations in the academic year 20102011 and the department of International Relations in the academic year 20152016 started to accept their first students. Besides, the department of Business Administration, Economics and Public Administration also enable 30% of classes in the cirruculum in english along with the condition of passing English Language Preperation. Faculty, over time developed itself in the form graduate and doctoral degree of training; As of today, there are master programs in the departments of Business Administration, Economics, Public Administration and Public Finance, PhD programs in the departments of Business