Academic Staff
Degree | Department/Program | Institute | Year |
1994 | |||
2004 | |||
2013 |
16. Esen, K.; Tok, S.; Balcı, Y.; Apaydın, F.; Kara, E.; Uzmansel, D. The effect of anatomic differences on the relationship between renal artery and diaphragmatic crus. FOLIA MORPHOLOGICA, 2018, 77, 22-28. 450 + 0 Publications_002.pdf
14. ESEN, K.; ÖZGÜR, A.; Balci, Y.; TOK, S.; KARA, E. . JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY, 2018, 36, 96-102. 500 + 0 10.1007/s11604-017-0710-3
13. ESEN, K.; TOK, S.; Balci, Y.; APAYDIN, F.; KARA, E.; UZMANSEL, D. . FOLIA MORPHOLOGICA, 2018, 77, 22-28. 450 + 0 10.5603/FM.a2017.0073
12. Esen, K.; Ozgur, A.; Balci, Y.; Tok, S.; Kara, E. Variations in the origins of the thyroid arteries on CT angiography. SPRINGER NATURE, 2017, 0-0. 500 + 0
11. Esen, K.; Balci, Y.; Tok, S.; Ucbilek, E.; Kara, E.; Kaya, O. The evaluation of the right inferior phrenic artery diameter in cirrhotic patients. SPRINGER NATURE, 2017, 35, 526-531. 450 + 0
10. Özgür, A.; Esen, K.; Kaleağası, H.; Yılmaz, A.; Kara, E.; Yıldız, A. Bilateral thalamic lesions: A pictorial review. WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2017, 61, 353-360. 450 + 0
9. Özgür, A.; Esen, K.; Kara, E.; Temel, G. Visualization of the Abducens Nerve in its Petroclival Segment Using Contrast-Enhanced FIESTA MRI: The Size of the Petroclival Venous Confluence Affects Detectability. SPRINGER NATURE, 2015, 27, 97-103. 750 + 0
8. Ozgur, A.; Kara, E.; Arpaci, R.; Arpaci, T.; Esen, K.; Kara, T.; Nass Duce, M.; Apaydin, F. Nonodontogenic mandibular lesions: differentiation based on CT attenuation. DIAGNOSTIC INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY, 2014, 20, 475-480. 325 + 0 Publications_003.pdf
7. Özgür, A.; Esen, K.; Kara, E.; Yencilek, E.; Vayisoğlu, Y.; Kara, T.; Yıldız, A. Ecchordosis Physaliphora: Evaluation with Precontrast and Contrast-Enhanced Fast Imaging Employing Steady-State Acquisition MR Imaging Based on Proposed New Classification. CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY, 2014, 26, 347-353. 600 + 0 Publications_005.pdf
6. Avci, E.; Dagtekin, A.; Ozturk, A.; Kara, E.; Ozturk, N.; Uluc, K.; Akture, E.; Baskaya, M. Anatomical variations of the foramen magnum, occipital condyle and jugular tubercle. TURKISH NEUROSURGERY, 2011, 21, 181-190. 450 + 0 Publications_011.pdf
5. Kara, E.; Dağtekin, A.; Vayısoğlu, Y.; Özgür, A.; Sarı, F.; Göçer, P.; Bibilik, Ö.; Avcı, E.; Yıldız, A.; Bağdatoğlu, C. Petrous Apex and Anteriorly Located or Extended Cerebello-Pontine Angle Lesions: Radiological Assessment and the Management Modalities. THE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED OTOLOGY, 2011, 7, 11-23. 650 + 0 Publications_009.pdf
4. Dagtekin, A.; Avci, E.; Kara, E.; Uzmansel, D.; Dagtekin, O.; Koseoglu, A.; Talas, D.; Bagdatoglu, C. Posterior cranial fossa morphometry in symptomatic adult Chiari I malformation patients: Comparative clinical and anatomical study. CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY NEUROSURGERY, 2011, 113, 399-403. 550 + 0 Publications_010.pdf
3. Dagtekin, A.; Koseoglu, A.; Kara, E.; Karabag, H.; Avci, E.; Torun, F.; Bagdatoglu, C. Unusual Location of Hydatid Cysts in Pediatric Patients. PEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY, 2009, 45, 379-383. 600 + 0 Publications_008.pdf
2. Apaydın, F.; Özer, C.; Duce, M.; Yıldız, A.; Doruk, H.; Eǧilmez, H.; Kara, E. Comparison of reliabilities of the delayed images of helical renal CT in detecting small renal masses. CLINICAL IMAGING, 2003, 27, 112-115. 200 + 0 Publications_007.pdf
1. Yıldız, A.; Duce, M.; Özer, C.; Apaydın, F.; Eğilmez, H.; Kara, E. Disseminated pneumocephalus secondary to an unusual facial trauma. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY, 2002, 42, 65-68. 200 + 0 Publications_006.pdf
3. Esen, K.; Eriş, H.; Yildiz, A.; Kara, E.; Ozgur, A. Stent-Assisted Coil Embolization of Posttraumatic Dissecting Carotid Aneurysm Causing Ophthalmoplegia. TERMEDIA SP. Z.O.O., 2017, 82, 307-310. 60 + 0
2. Özgür, A.; Esen, K.; Kaleağası, H.; Yılmaz, A.; Kara, E. Diabetic striatopathy in a patient with hemiballism. EMERGENCY RADIOLOGY, 2015, 22, 347-349. 50 + 0 Publications_004.pdf
1. Köse, S.; Apaydın, F.; Esen, K.; Ozgur, A.; Kara, E.; Erden, S. The Value of Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Adrenal Lesions. CUKUROVA MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2013, 38(4), 734-743. 90 + 0 Publications_001.pdf
1. Esen, K.; Kara, E.; Özgür, A.; Apaydın, F.; Yılmaz, A. Arkus aortadaki kalsifikasyonların karotis arterin farklı segmentlerindeki kalsifikasyonlarla ilişkisi. CUKUROVA MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2017, 42, 696-701. 160 + 0
3. Toker, İ.; Bozali, G.; Narcı, H.; Ayrık, C.; Kara, E., Delayed Anaphylactic Shock After Hysterosalpingography. 9th asian conference on emergency medicine, 2017-11-22, 2017-11-25, antalya, Turkey, 2017. 25
2. ESEN, K.; ÖZGÜR, A.; TOK, S.; BALCI, Y.; KARA, E., Neuroimaging Findings in Patients with Neurfibromatosis Type 1. ECR 2017, 2017-03-01, 2017-03-05, VİYANA, Austria, . 25
1. Esen, K.; Özgür, A.; Tok, S.; Balcı, Y.; Kara, E., Neuroimaging Findings in Patients with Neurfibromatosis Type 1. ECR 2017, 2017-03-01, 2017-03-05, Viyana, Austria, 2017. 25
2. ESEN, K.; KARA, E.; YILDIZ, A.; ÖZGÜR, A.; VAYISOĞLU, Y.; YILMAZ, İ., Eagle sendromunun stilokarotid formunun iki farklı olgu ile değerlendirilmesi. 38. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, 2017-10-31, 2017-11-04, ANTALYA, Turkey, . 18
1. ESEN, K.; YILDIZ, A.; KARA, E.; TOK, S.; BALCI, Y., Karotis anjiyoplasti sonrası geç dönemde izlenen nadir bir durum: Stentin kayması ve kısalması. 38. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, 2017-10-31, 2017-11-04, ANTALYA, Turkey, . 17
3. The evaluation of the temporal bone, middle and inner ear structures in human adult cadavers. , BAP, Project Number: 2019-1-AP3-3371, 19470 TL, Manager, Continue... 100
2. The evaluation of the temporal bone, middle and inner ear structures in human adult cadavers. , BAP, Project Number: 2019-1-AP3-3371, 19470 TL, Manager, Continue... 100
1. petrous apex and pterygopalatine fossa morphometry through endoscopic transsphenoidal approach , BAP, Project Number: 2019-1-AP3-3383, 22656 TL, Manager, Continue... 100