Vocational School of Maritime

        Mersin University Maritime Vocational School started its education activities on April 24, 2007 under the name of Maritime and Trade Vocational School. It was named Maritime Vocational School on 04 March 2010. Admission of students started through central placement in the 2009-2010 academic year.  Maritime Vocational School has been continuing its education and training activities in its building on Tece Campus since 2009.

        There are 3 programs at the Maritime Vocational School: Maritime Transportation and Management Program, Maritime and Port Management Program and Ship Machinery Management Program. Optional preparatory training is provided in all programs.  Students placed by the Student Selection and Placement Center are eligible to register.

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Mersin Üniversitesi Denizcilik Meslek Yüksekokulu Tece Kampüsü Mezitli / MERSİN
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 324 482 52 78 / 1154
    +90 324 482 52 79/ 4825278
  • Dept. Secretarial Fax:
    +90 324 482 55 24
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: denizticaret@mersin.edu.tr