Food Technology Pr.

 Food Technology Department was founded in 2014-2015 academic  period and it started  to teaching at the same year. The quota is 40 students. Food Technology is a training program for food technologist who is capable of using knowledge in practical applications, producing according to request of food industry, useful to society, creative, productive and devoted to ethical values. It is necessary to complete 120 ECTS course successfully, obtain 2.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale and complete an internship of 40 working days.  The students who successfully completed the program take an associate’s degree as food technologist.

Graduate students can work in food industries, patisseries, food sections of supermarkets  and also  in public institutions. Graduates may apply to undergraduate programs by obtaining enough score in  vertical pass exam  (DGS)

    •   Contact
  • Department Address:
    Gıda Teknolojisi , Mut Meslek Yüksekokulu, Mersin Üniversitesi, Mut Kampüsü-33600, Mut / Mersin
  • Dept. Secretarial Phone:
    +90 324 774 13 28-29 / 113
  • Dept. Secretarial Fax:
    +90 324 774 40 08
  • Dept. Secretarial e-mail: