Women Problems Application and Research Center

2025-02-04 12:44:54
25 Kasım Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü Etkinlikleri...

2024-10-03 22:40:32
İlerleyen Çalışmalara Yönelik MERKAM ve ŞÖNİM Bir Araya Geldi...

2024-08-31 20:39:09
MERKAM, 7. Uluslararası Gülnar Bilim ve Kültür Etkinliklerinde “Kadın ve Sürdürülebil...

2024-07-25 22:53:26
Üniversitemizin ‘Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Planı` oluşturulması için ilk hazırlıkla...

2024-07-18 20:15:01
Cinsel Taciz ve Cinsel Saldırıya Karşı Destek Birimi Yönergesi ( CTS ) Rektörlük Sena...

2024-07-06 17:19:40
MERKAM, Tarsus Belediyesi'nin Düzenlediği “ Tarsus’ta Güç Kadında” Çalıştayına Katılı...

2024-06-26 13:16:26
Merkam’ın Katılımıyla Tarsus’ta Güç Kadında Konulu Çevrimiçi Toplantı Gerçekleştirild...

2024-06-12 17:34:57
MERKAM, Mersin Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından düzenlenen ‘Kadın Çalıştayı’nda yer a...

2024-06-10 17:20:20
Tarsus Belediyesi Kadın ve Aile Hizmetleri Müdürlüğü MERKAM’a ziyarette bulundu....
2024-05-22 23:55:43
Kadın Sorunları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinin organize ettiği üniversitemiz ev sah...

2024-05-09 23:06:48
MERKAM tarafından Prof. Dr. Serpil Sancar ile "Siyasetin Cinsiyeti: Cinsiyetçiliğe Ka...
It has made recommendations regarding the inclusion of gender equality course in education under the heading "What to do to ensure Gender Equality" in the Social Gender Equality Attitude Document of the Council of Higher Education. Following the decision to be taken by the authorized boards of Higher Education Institutions in these recommendations, we can add the Gender Equality course to the curriculum as a compulsory/elective course. It was decided to propose the inclusion of the lesson to be submitted to the senate. It was unanimously accepted by the Senate of our university with the decision number 2018/116 dated 11.07.2018 and the "Gender Equality Course" has been given as a common elective course in the fall and spring semesters in all associate and undergraduate programs throughout our university since the 2018-2019 academic year.
Mersin University Women's Studies Research and Application Center (MERKAM) started its activities with the publication of the regulation in the official newspaper dated April 8, 1997 and numbered 22958. MERKAM is a unit that provides research and development services on women's issues within Mersin University and is affiliated to Mersin University Rectorate.
It is to develop awareness in all segments of society against women's problems, to support studies conducted with a gender equality perspective and to conduct researches in all areas related to women's issues, to provide guidance and counseling on problems and solution suggestions by sharing these research results with the public, to contribute to the survival of women as modern individuals, to improve their social status, to take their place in economic development, to the protection of women, children, and families for the welfare of society through various training and activities.
Mersin University Women's Studies Research and Application Center (MERKAM) bears the responsibility of being one of the first women's centers established within the Universities. With this responsibility, it has aimed to increase social awareness and convey women's issues to large masses by advocating gender equality in every field and cooperating with the women's centers of other universities and other institutions and non-governmental organizations working on women.
In line with this purpose, it provides trainings on gender, gender equality, gender roles, dating violence, domestic communication, women's health, mobbing and sexual harassment, violence and legal perspectives of violence. Also, it produces implementation-oriented projects and cooperates with various institutions and non-governmental organizations to develop and publish the idea of women's rights and to increase the status of women.
"Women's Studies Master and Doctorate Program" was established with the initiatives of Mersin University Women Problems Research and Application Center (MERKAM) under the roof of the Institute of Social Sciences in order to approach women's issues from an academic perspective. With this program, it is aimed to empower women, to ensure equality of women and men, to raise awareness on gender issues, and to lead a social change and transformation through educated individuals.
You can apply to our center for all your questions and problems in all matters concerning MERKAM.
You can send us any suggestions and expectations about our work via e-mail address.