Department of Scientific Research Projects Coordination

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2025 Yılı Bap Projeleri Bütçe Destek Üst Limitleri ve Başvuru Takvimi...
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2025-01-31 08:37:24
BAP 2025 Mali Yılı Avans ve Satın Alma Başvuruları...
2024-11-01 13:57:53
Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) Yıl Sonu İşlemleri...
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Ek Bütçe, Ek Süre, Avans Talep Formu vb. Belgeler...
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BAP Fatura Bilgileri...
Department of Scientific Research Projects
Mersin University Department of Scientific Research Projects was established as of Article 58 amended by the Law No: 4684 of the Law of Higher Education No: 2547, and of the Regulation on Scientific Research Projects of Higher Education Institutions published at the Official Gazette No: 24722 on April 10, 2002. The department began to act on May 5, 2002 by the Senate Decree No: 2002.03/2 in order to evaluate, accept and support scientific research project proposals of Mersin University, and to conduct, monitor and finalize relevant services