Revolving Funds Management

In accordance with Article 58 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the University's Central Revolving Fund Management has been established with the exception of the Faculty of Medicine with the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 13 February 1998 and numbered 23257. In accordance with the Article 58 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the second updated article of the Regulation on the Principles to be followed in the Establishment of Revolving Fund Establishments, the Faculty of Medicine was included in the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 25 August 1999 and numbered 23797.
The Board of Directors of Revolving Fund Management is the Executive Board of the University. The chief is the Rector. The Board of Directors, after determining the principles and ratios related to the revenues, takes into account the proposal of the units within the scope of these principles and ratios and decides on the distribution of the contributions.
We are carrying out the fields of activity stated in Article 2 of Mersin University Revolving Fund Management Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 25 August 1999 and numbered 23797:
A) To make scientific observations, projects, researches and similar services that will be demanded by organizations other than Higher Education Institutions and real and legal persons and to write reports based on them,
B) Research and application for Chemical Biological and similar assays, to do business evaluation and organization and to write reports based on them,
C) To conduct researches on data processing and organization, model experiments, criterion setting, analysis statistical and sociological studies and to prepare reports based on them,
D) To produce all sorts of goods and services related to university working areas, to market and sell the products obtained with the condition that the Rector’s permission granted beforehand and to open sales places for these,
E) To be involved in all kinds of examinations, triggers and treatments, operations, maintenance and production activities in clinics, outpatient clinics, laboratories, operating theaters and workshops.