Slide background
Mersin Üniversitesi

Ders Bilgileri

Kodu Dönemi Teori Uygulama Ulusal Kredisi AKTS Kredisi
Saat / Hafta
MAL327 Fall 3 0 3 8
Ön Koşulu Olan Ders( ler ) None
Dili en
Türü Required
Seviyesi Bachelor's
Öğretim Elemanı( ları ) Instr. Saruhan Özerk İLBEYİ
Öğretim Sistemi Face to Face
Önerilen Hususlar None
Staj Durumu None
Amacı The aim of this course is to familiarize the students with the basic concepts and policies related to fiscal policy and analyze the results of fiscal policy in the area of economic stability, economic development, growth and income distribution.
İçeriği Basic concepts of fiscal policy, economic stabilization policy, automatic stabilization policy, the use of fiscal policy in inflationary period, the use of fiscal policy in stagnation and stagfilation.

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları

# Öğrenim Çıktıları
1 To be able to recognize fiscal policy tools and objectives
2 To be able to analyze the relationship between government intervention and use of fiscal policy
3 To be able to discuss on effectiveness of fiscal policy around the theoretical approaches
4 To be able to evaluate the results of fiscal policy
5 To be able to analyze the effects of fiscal policy in economic crisis
6 To be able to explain the economic justification of the state
7 To be able to analyze the use of fiscal policy in line with economic development and growth targets
8 To be able to analyze the effects of fiscal policy over re-distribution of income and analyze the effects of fiscal policy over international economic relations

Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği

# Konular Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri
1 Debate on efficiency of fiscal policy Lecture, discussion
2 Some basic definitions and tools about fiscal policy Lecture, discussion
3 Economic stability and fiscal policy Lecture, discussion
4 Discussions on the mutual interaction of fiscal and monetary policy Lecture, discussion
5 Implementation of voluntary fiscal policy and automatic stabilization policy Lecture, discussion
6 Effect of fiscal policy in combating inflation Lecture, discussion
7 Effect of fiscal policy in stagnation and stagflation period Lecture, discussion
8 Mid-Term Exam
9 Public expenses Lecture, discussion
10 Increase in public expenses Lecture, discussion
11 Fiscal policy and economic growth I Lecture, discussion
12 Fiscal policy and economic growth II Lecture, discussion
13 Re-distribution of income and fiscal policy I Lecture, discussion
14 Re-distribution of income and fiscal policy II Lecture, discussion
15 Country experiences on the implementation of fiscal policy Lecture, discussion
16 Final Exam


# Malzeme / Kaynak Adı Kaynak Hakkında Bilgi Referans / Önerilen Kaynak
1 Kamu Maliyesi (2011): Ed; Ekrem Karayılmazlar, Lisans Yayıncılık. İstanbul Akdoğan, A. (2003), Kamu Maliyesi, Ankara, Gazi Kitabevi
2 Türk, İ. (2006), Kamu Maliyesi, Ankara, Turhan Kitabevi Nadaroğlu, H. (2003), Kamu Maliyesi Teorisi, İstanbul, Beta Basım-Yayım-Dağıtım
3 Uluatam ,Özhan (1997). Kamu Maliyesi. Ankara: İmaj Yayıncılık Edizdoğan, N.(2003);Kamu Maliyesi, Ezgi Kitapevi,Bursa

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Sistemi

# Ağırlık Çalışma Türü Çalışma Adı
1 0.4 1 1. Mid-Term Exam
2 0.6 5 Final Exam

Dersin Öğrenim Çıktıları ve Program Yeterlilikleri ile İlişkileri

# Öğrenim Çıktıları Program Çıktıları Ölçme ve Değerlendirme
1 To be able to recognize fiscal policy tools and objectives 1 1͵2
2 To be able to analyze the relationship between government intervention and use of fiscal policy 4 1͵2
3 To be able to discuss on effectiveness of fiscal policy around the theoretical approaches 4 1͵2
4 To be able to evaluate the results of fiscal policy 4 1͵2
5 To be able to analyze the effects of fiscal policy in economic crisis 4 1͵2
6 To be able to explain the economic justification of the state 4 1͵2
7 To be able to analyze the use of fiscal policy in line with economic development and growth targets 4 1͵2
8 To be able to analyze the effects of fiscal policy over re-distribution of income and analyze the effects of fiscal policy over international economic relations 4 1͵2

Not: Ölçme ve Değerlendirme sütununda belirtilen sayılar, bir üstte bulunan Ölçme ve Değerlerndirme Sistemi başlıklı tabloda belirtilen çalışmaları işaret etmektedir.

İş Yükü Detayları

# Etkinlik Adet Süre (Saat) İş Yükü
0 Course Duration 14 3 42
1 Course Duration Except Class (Preliminary Study, Enhancement) 14 5 70
2 Presentation and Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
3 Web Research, Library and Archival Work 4 5 20
4 Document/Information Listing 0 0 0
5 Workshop 0 0 0
6 Preparation for Midterm Exam 1 10 10
7 Midterm Exam 1 1 1
8 Quiz 0 0 0
9 Homework 0 0 0
10 Midterm Project 0 0 0
11 Midterm Exercise 0 0 0
12 Final Project 1 14 14
13 Final Exercise 0 0 0
14 Preparation for Final Exam 1 23 23
15 Final Exam 1 5 5