Mersin University Research Policy

Mersin University Executive Board Decision Supplement dated 04.05.2018 number 2018/102

Mersin University aims to conduct independent and innovative research in basic and applied fields by adopting an understanding that supports social development and produces competitive information within the framework of ethical values with the participation of all stakeholders. Principles;


·         It pursues national and international ethical principles in conducting all research activities and publishing research findings.


·         The researchers respect human rights and freedom, protect animal rights and nature.


·         It determines the priority areas in the research by taking scientific and technological developments, country policies, regional needs, researcher and infrastructure potential into consideration.


·         It provides access to all scientific studies produced within its body by taking into consideration the copyright legislation and the principle of confidentiality in bilateral collaborations in order to transform the researches into social benefit and increase the potential for cooperation in the research.


·         It is against any action that adversely affects the conduct and publication of researches impartially and objectively. It guarantees the autonomy and academic freedom of researchers against all kinds of pressure on academic activities carried out within legal limits.


·         It supports researchers to conduct scientific research and seek funding for these researches, and provides consultancy and support services in the fields of patent and commercialization.                It allocates the part of its budget determined by the legislation to carry out research activities, to establish / improve the necessary infrastructure and to increase the quality of the scientists.


·         It endorses the researchers in order to support and facilitate the transfer of research outputs which are conducted within the organization to the relevant sectors. It protects the intellectual property right with the strategies applied in intellectual property and commercialization initiatives.


·         It aims to increase the impact of the researches carried out in the organisation and international recognition.


·         Mersin University provides integration of research activities with education.


·         Every year, Mersin University makes the necessary institutional arrangements to reach national and international standards by evaluating its research performance.

"A World University In The Light of Science and Modernity"