Beden EÄŸitimi ve Spor (DR)

        Programın adı, EÄŸitim Programları ve Öğretim Doktora Programı’dır. EÄŸitim Programları ve Öğretim Anabilim Dalı Doktora Programı 2003-2004 EÄŸitim-Öğretim yılında faaliyetine baÅŸlamıştır.

Son İki Yılda Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

21. Arslanoğlu, C.; çelgin, G.; Arslanoğlu, E.; Demirci, N.; Karakaş, F.; Doğan, E.; çakaloğlu, E.; şahin, F.; Küçük, H. An Effective Method of Aerobic Capacity Development: Combined Training with Maximal Aerobic Speed and Small-Sided Games for Amateur Football Players. APPLIED SCIENCES, 2024, 14, 1-11.
20. Akçakese, A.; Demirel, M.; Yolcu, A.; Gümüş, H.; Ayhan, C.; Sarol, H.; ışık, Ã.; Harmandar demirel, D.; Stocia, L. Nature relatedness, flow experience, and environmental behaviors in nature-based leisure activities. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2024, 15, 1-12.
19. AÄŸralı ermiÅŸ, S.; Boyanmış, A.; KesilmiÅŸ, Ä.; Toros, T.; öğraÅŸ, E.; Akın, M.; Temel, C.; Gürkan, A.; Karaç öcal, Y. Exploring the Influence of Dark Triad and Light Triad Traits on Sport Sciences Students. MEDICINA-LITHUANIA, 2024, 60, 1-16.
18. Boyanmış, A.; KesilmiÅŸ, Ä.; Akın, M.; Yılmaz, B.; Uslular, A.; Karaç öcal, Y.; Andre, H. A Comparison of Different Strength Measurement in Taekwondo: Herman Trainer, Manual Tester, and Standing Long Jump. MEDICINA, 2024, 60, 2-11.
17. AÄŸralı ermiÅŸ, S.; Boyanmış, A.; KesilmiÅŸ, Ä.; Toros, T.; öğraÅŸ, E.; Akın, M.; Temel, C.; Gürkan, A.; Karaç öcal, Y. Exploring the Influence of Dark Triad and Light Triad Traits on Sport Sciences Students. MEDICINA, 2024, 60, 2-16.
16. Toros, E.; Katkat, D. Comparison of The Expectations and Perceptions of Parents Regarding The Services Provided for Children in Sports Venues. S.A. JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN SPORT, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION, 2024, 46, 33-40.
15. Gümüş, H.; Koç, M.; Talaghir, L. Global Research Trends in Physical Activity Barriers: A Study on Men. HEALTHCARE, 2024, 12, -.
14. Gökmen, M.; çepikkurt, F.; BelibaÄŸlı, M.; Uluöz, M.; CoÅŸkun özyol, F.; Bavlı, Ã.; Uluöz, E.; Türkmen, M. Do we need a guideline for all: a qualitative study on the experiences of male athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. BMC SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, 2024, 16, -.
13. Ayhan, C.; Düğenci, A.; ışık, Ã.; Gümüş, H.; Güngör, N. The effect of leisure involvement on happiness and successful aging in elderly. WORK: A JOURNAL OF PREVENTION, ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION, 2024, , -.
12. Toros, T.; öğraÅŸ, E.; Toy, A.; Kulak, A.; Esen, H.; özer, Å.; çelik, T. The Impact of Regular Exercise on Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Self-Efficacy in Older Adults . BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2023, 13, 1-11.
11. Kulak, A.; Toros, T.; öğraÅŸ, E.; Etiler, Ä.; BaÄŸcı, E.; Gökyürek, B.; Bilgin, Ã. The Impact of Sustainable Exercise on Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction in Women before and after Menopause . BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2023, 13, 1-12.
10. Arınlı, Y.; Umutlu, G.; Pehlevan, Z. The effects of strength and balance exercises on the center of pressure and plantar pressure distribution in adolescent ballet dancers. RESEARCH IN DANCE EDUCATION, 2023, 24, 1-18.
9. Argun, B.; Demirci, N.; Umutlu, G. The effects of lower extremity muscle strength characteristics on grab and track start performance in young competitive swimmers. IOS PRESS (ISOKINETICS AND EXERCISE SCIENCE), 2023, 31, 1-7.
8. Arınlı, Y.; Umutlu, G.; Pehlevan, Z. The interactions between agonist-toantagonist muscle strength performance and plantar pressure distribution, foot contact area, and impulse in novice ballet dancers. JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION, 2023, 36, 1385-1397.
7. Bahar, M.; Demirci, N.; Bahar, L.; ÅŸahin, L. The effect of swimming and running exercises on oxidant-antioxidant and lipid profiles in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. HIPPOKRATIA, 2023, 27, 148-154.
6. Temel, C.; Gökduman, Ã.; UÄŸraÅŸ, S.; Sağın, A.; Yücekaya, M.; Kartal, M.; Toros, T. The Impact of COVID-19 Process on Sustainability in Education: Work Alienation of Physical Education and Sports Teachers. SUSTAINABILITY, 2023, 15, 2047-2058.
5. Gökduman, Ã.; Kartal, M.; Temel, C.; Toros, T.; Esen, H. Sustainability of Success in Sports Teams: Who Will Be the Captain? . SUSTAINABILITY, 2023, 15, 4316-4326.
4. Uluöz, E.; Toros, T.; öğraÅŸ, E.; Temel, C.; Korkmaz, C.; Keskin, M.; Etiler, Ä. The Impact of Sustainable Exercise and the Number of Pregnancies on Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Assertiveness Levels in Pregnant Women. SUSTAINABILITY, 2023, 15, 8978-8989.
3. Argun, B.; Demirci, N.; Umutlu, G. The effects of lower extremity muscle strength characteristics on grab and track start performance in young competitive swimmers. ISOKINETICS AND EXERCISE SCIENCE, 2023, 31, 9-.
2. Toros, T.; öğraÅŸ, E.; Okan, Ä.; Temel, C.; Keskin, M.; Korkmaz, C.; Uluöz, E. Investigation the Relationship between Mental Toughness and Courage Levels of Sports Sciences Faculty Students for Sustainable Performance. SUSTAINABILITY, 2023, 15, 9406-9423.
1. Yılmaz, M.; Katkat, D. Sports Betting Motivation of University Students. JOURNAL OF GAMBLING STUDIES, 2023, , -.

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