Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi (YL) (Tezli)

Fen Bilgisi Bilim Dalı’nın öncelikli amacı Fen öğretimi ve öğrenmeye yönelik olumlu tutuma sahip öğrenciler yetiştirmektir. Bu programdan mezun olanların alanlarında görev yapabilecek bilgi ve yeterliklere sahip olmaları beklenmektedir
Son İki Yılda Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
9. Sönmez, M.; Gümüş, N.; Eczacıoğlu, N.; Eker develi, E.; Yücel, K.; Yıldız, H. Enhancing microalgae classification accuracy in marine ecosystems through convolutional neural networks and support vector machines. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 2024, 205, 1-11.
8. Yaman, H.; Eker develi, E.; Keleş, Y.; örek, H.; Kıdeyş, A. Antioxidant Capacity and Protein contents of Five Marine Microalgae. TURKISH JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES, 2024, 25, 1-15.
7. Karaismailoğlu, F.; Uzun, N.; Sürmeli, H. Examining the mediating effect of nature of science perceptions on the relationship between metacognition and science self-efficacy. RESEARCH IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION, 2024, , 1-18.
6. Kaplan, S.; Suna karatekin, R.; Avcı, G.; Kahya düdükcü, M. A highly efficient catalyst consisting of Ni and S double-doped reduced graphene modified with ZnO nanoparticles for hydrogen peroxide electroreduction. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: B, 2024, 308, -.
5. Yıldırım, M.; Binzet, G.; Binzet, R.; Yabalak, E. A natural approach to breast cancer treatment: investigation of chemical features of aerial parts of endemic Onosma sintenisii Hausskn. ex Bornm and its antioxidant properties, in vitro cytotoxic and apoptosis induction on MCF-7 cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH, 2024, 34, -.
4. Binzet, G.; Turunç, E.; Binzet, R.; Döğen, A.; Arslan, H. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils and various extracts of endemic Onosma malatyana (Boraginaceae) from Anatolia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH, 2024, , -.
3. Kaplan, S.; Suna karatekin, R.; Kahya düdükcü, M.; Avcı, G. A novel Ni–Fe3O4@s-rGO/GCE electrode for electrochemical detection of H2O2. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2023, 294, 1-10.
2. Eker develi, E.; Tekdal, D.; Demet, A.; Yıldız, H.; Kıdeyş, A. Morphology, Molecular Genetics and Potential Importance for Mucilage Events of the New Coccolithophorid Ochrosphaera neapolitana in the Sea of Marmara. MDPI AG, 2023, 11, 1-14.
1. Eker develi, E.; Konucu, M.; Psarra, S.; Slabakova, N.; Triantaphyllou, M.; Dimiza, M.; Karageorgis, A.; Uysal, Z.; Berthon, J. Phytoplankton and pigment composition during an Emiliania huxleyi bloom in the Black Sea. ELSEVIER BV, 2023, 65, 1-15.