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Son İki Yılda Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
9. Işıker, H.; Yılmaz, B.; Demirci, .; özdemir, C. Clarification of Why Range-Doppler Algorithm Fails for SFCW Radars: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation Using Real GB-SAR Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 2024, 62, 1-10.
8. Yiğit, E.; Aksoy, A.; Duysak, H.; Işıker, H. Detection of moisture of flowing grain with a novel deep learning structure using 2D spectrogram data. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 2024, 224, 1-11.
7. Yamaçlı, V.; Işıker, H.; Yetgin, Z.; Abacı, K. Solving Optimal Power Flow Control Problem Using Honey Formation Optimization Algorithm. IEEE ACCESS, 2024, 12, 109293-109322.
6. Abacı, K.; Yetgin, Z.; Yamaçlı, V.; Işıker, H. Modified effective butterfly optimizer for solving optimal power flow problem. HELIYON, 2024, 10, -.
5. Kırık, .; özdemir, C. Accelerating the shooting and bouncing ray based electromagnetic scattering calculations via CPU and GPU Implementations: Application to PREDICS tool. ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE, 2024, 193, -.
4. Işıker, H.; Yılmaz, B.; Demirci, .; özdemir, C. Clarification of Why Range-Doppler Algorithm Fails for SFCW Radars: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Evaluation Using Real GB-SAR Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 2024, 62, -.
3. Demirci, .; ızumi, Y. Application of H/ᾱ Decomposition to Limited and Dual-Polarimetric 3D SAR Data of Civilian Vehicles. IEEE ACCESS, 2023, 11, 83589-83602.
2. özdemir, C.; Yılmaz, B.; Tekir, O. Signal preprocessing routines for the detection and classification of human micro‐Doppler radar signatures. WILEY, 2023, 65, -.
1. Tekir, O.; Yılmaz, B.; özdemir, C. Signal preprocessing routines for the detection and classification of human micro-Doppler radar signatures. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2023, , -.