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Tarımsal alanların tahribi ve hayvancılığın gerilemesi beslenme sorunlarının çözümünde dikkatlerin su ürünleri yetiştiriciliği ile avcılığı ve işlemeciliği üzerine yoğunlaşmasına neden olmuştur. Ülkemizde bu konu Üniversitelerin bünyesinde Su Ürünleri Fakülteleri aracılığı ile bilimsel platforma taşınmış, bu alanda yetkin teknik elemanların yetiştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bölümde, ayrı bir lisans eğitimi verilmemekte olup, akademik yapılanma çerçevesinde Su Ürünleri Fakültesi bünyesinde bilimsel araştırma, danışma hizmetleri ve öğretim elemanı yetiştirme faaliyetleri yürütülmektedir. Bölüm derslerinde öğrencilere; su ürünlerinde avlama teknikleri, stok tespiti, su ürünlerinin işleme teknikleri, su ürünleri avcılığında kullanılan araç ve gereçlerle bunların teknik özellikleri konusunda teorik ve uygulamalı bilgiler verilmektedir.
Son İki Yılda Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
28. Ayas, D. Physical and chemical food safety hazards and associated health risks in seafood: A Mediterranean perspective (Part 1). ADVANCES IN FOOD AND NUTRITION RESEARCH, 2025, , -.
27. Aydemir ayaz, E.; Canatar, C.; Türkben, H.; Yetkin, D.; Ayas, D.; Ayaz, F. Adjuvant Potential of Lionfish Venom on LPS Activated Mammalian Macrophages. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH AND THERAPEUTICS, 2024, 30, 1-8.
26. Türkben, H.; Canatar, C.; Yetkin, D.; Ayas, D.; Ayaz, F. Adjuvant Potential of Diadema Setosum Spine’s Toxin On Macrophages. THALASSAS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCES, 2024, 41, 1-8.
25. ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Ayas, D. Developing fish oil emulsion gel enriched with Lentinula edodes single cell protein and its effect on controlling the growth of Acinetobacter baumannii. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS, 2024, 224, 1-9.
24. Ayas, D.; çiftçi, N. First Confirmed Stranding of a Juvenile fin Whale, Balaenoptera Physalus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. THALASSAS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCES, 2024, 40, 1495-1501.
23. özbay, Ã.; Akçay, Ä.; Alp, M.; Göksu, M. Assessment of Eutrophication in the Berdan River Basin (Türkiye) Using Various Classification Tools. OCEANOLOGICAL AND HYDROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES, 2024, 53, 16-23.
22. Akçay, Ä.; özbay, Ã. Assessment of Ecological and Potential Health Risk Caused by Nitrate Pollution of the Berdan and Göksu River Basins, Turkey. JOURNAL OF WATER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, 2024, 46, 645-651.
21. Doğdu, S.; Turan, C.; Depci, T.; Bahçeci, E.; Sangün, M.; Ayas, D. Hydroxyapatite production and characterization from four pufferfish species teeth. JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH, 2024, 25, 85-91.
20. özbay, Ã. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in coastal surface sediments of the Mersin Bay, Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2024, 21, 875-884.
19. çiftçi, N.; Ayas, D. Elemental Composition and Health Risk Assessment of Deep-Sea Teleost’s of the Levantine Basin. BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH, 2024, 0, -.
18. ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Ayas, D. Developing fish oil emulsion gel enriched with Lentinula edodes single cell protein and its effect on controlling the growth of Acinetobacter baumannii. JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS, 2024, 224, -.
17. ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Yabalak, E.; Ayas, D. Inhibition performance of almond shell hydrochar-based fish oil emulsion gel on Klebsiella pneumonia inoculated fish skin and its characteristics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 2024, 264, -.
16. Cundul, E.; ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Yabalak, E. Immobilization of yoghurt starter culture encapsulated with Origanum munzurense kit tan & sorger essential oil emulsion into apricot seed shell hydrochar. FOOD BIOSCIENCE, 2024, 58, -.
15. Boran, M.; ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Ayas, D. The Anti-candidal and Absorbtion Performance of PVA/PVP-Based Jania rubens Hydrogel on Candida tropicalis and Some Physicochemical Properties of the Hydrogel. APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2024, , -.
14. Köşker, A.; Gündoğdu, S.; Esatbeyoğlu, T.; Ayas, D.; özoğul, F. Metal levels of canned fish sold in Türkiye: health risk assessment. FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2023, 10, 1-12.
13. Köşker, A.; KarakuÅŸ, M.; Katıkou, P.; Dal, Ä.; DurmuÅŸ, M.; Uçar, Y.; Ayas, D.; özoÄŸul, F. Monthly variation of Tetrodotoxin levels in pufferfish (Lagocephalus sceleratus) caught from Antalya Bay, Mediterranean Sea. MARINE DRUGS, 2023, 21, 1-13.
12. Yabalak, E.; ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E. Hydrochar synthesis of from waste human hair, incorporation with phenolic extract of Morus alba and evaluation as a natural anti-Staphylococcus aureus agent. ELSEVIER BV, 2023, 192, 105804-.
11. ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E. Antimicrobial performance of methanol extract of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. as a sanitizer agent. CSIR-NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE COMMUNICATION AND POLICY RESEARCH (NISCPR), 2023, 61, 124-130.
10. Ergüden, D.; Gürlek, M.; Turan, C.; Ayas, D. The rare occurrence of the whiskered sole Monochirus hispidus (rafnesque, 1814) from the North-Eastern Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. THALASSAS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCES, 2023, 38, 139-143.
9. Yabalak, E.; ıbrahim, F.; Erdoğan eliuz, E. Natural sanitizer potential of Cuminum cyminum and applicable approach for calculation of Kováts retention index of its compounds. INFORMA UK LIMITED, 2023, 33, 158-169.
8. ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Everest, Z.; Serin, M. Antimicrobial activity of Stachys rupestris Montbret et Aucher ex Benth. and inactivation of the pathogens inoculated on lab-made skin by the essential oil. INFORMA UK LIMITED, 2023, 33, 1749-1759.
7. Türkeri, M.; Marankoz, S.; özbay, Ã.; Akçay, Ä.; Alp, M. Nutrient inputs from two major rivers into the cilician basin of the north-eastern Mediterranean Sea. OCEANOLOGICAL AND HYDROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES, 2023, 52, 240-244.
6. özbay, Ã.; Akçay, Ä. Metal pollution status and health risk assessment of beach sediments along the Mersin coast, Turkey . OCEANOLOGICAL AND HYDROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES, 2023, 52, 461-470.
5. Akçay, Ä.; özbay, Ã.; Alp, M. Eutrophication Status of the Berdan and Göksu River Basins in Turkey. JOURNAL OF WATER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 45, 592-598.
4. Turan, C.; Uyan, A.; Atalay, M.; Doğdu, S.; Ayas, D.; Ergüden, D.; Turan, F.; Gökoğlu, M.; Gürlek, M. Genetic Differentiation of Round Sardinella Sardinella aurita (Clupeidae) Populations from the Northeastern Mediterranean. JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY, 2023, 63, 962-968.
3. Fakıoğlu, Y.; Gökçe, G.; özbilgin, H.; Cerbule, K.; Herrmann, B. Impact of ground gear design on catch efficiency in demersal trawl fishery. ELSEVIER BV, 2023, 61, -.
2. Erdoğan eliuz, E.; Bahadırlı, N. Investigation of antibacterial activity and mechanism of T. spicata essential oil, and activation of the hydrosol formed as a by-product with UV. BIOLOGIA, 2023, 78, -.
1. Kınacı, Ä.; ErdoÄŸan eliuz, E.; Yabalak, E. Incorporation of hydrochar from almond shells with phenolic extract of Morchella esculenta and evaluation of its antimicrobial potential against some pathogens on air filter. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, 2023, , -.