Gıda İşleme Bölümü

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Gıda İşleme Bölümü Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu’nun bir bölümü olarak 2008 yılında kurulmuştur. 2008-2009 eğitim-öğretim döneminde öğrenime başlamıştır. Gıda Teknolojisi programından Ön Lisans derecesinde mezun olan öğrenciler “Gıda Teknikeri” unvanını kazanırlar. Gıda Teknolojisi Programına, Meslek liselerinin ilgili bölümlerinden sınavsız geçiş ile “Ölçme Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi” (ÖSYM) sınavında MF puanı ile kayıt gerçekleşmektedir.


Bu programda iki yıllık ön lisans düzeyinde teorik ve uygulama ağırlıklı eğitim verilmektedir. Her türlü gıda üretimi yapan küçük, orta ve büyük ölçekli işletmelerde, hammaddeden son ürüne kadar üretimin ve kalite kontrolünün her aşamasında görev yapabilecek gerekli ara teknik eleman yetiştirilmektedir. 


Programda mevcut olan (toplam 120 AKTS karşılığı) derslerin tümünü başarıyla tamamlayan ve 4.00 üzerinden en az 2.0 ağırlıklı not ortalaması elde eden öğrenci mezun olur.Ayrıca, Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu’nun (YÖK'ün) ilgili mevzuatı doğrultusunda yatay ve dikey geçiş yapabilirler.


Program mezunları kamu kurum ve kuruluşları ile gıda sanayinin üretim, pazarlama, araştırma-geliştirme, yönetim gibi değişik alanlarında iş olanağı bulabilmektedir.


Son İki Yılda Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler

57. Güzel değer, A.; çevik, S.; Kahraman, O.; Turunç, E.; Yakin, A.; Binzet, R. Effects of green and chemically synthesized ZnO nanoparticles on Capsicum annuum under drought stress. ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM, 2025, 47, 1-17.
56. ödemiş, .; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Ağırtaş, M. Characterization of silver nanoparticles fabricated by green synthesis using Urtica dioica and Lavandula angustifolia and investigation of antimicrobial and antioxidant. INORGANIC AND NANO-METAL CHEMISTRY,, 2024, , 1-14.
55. Can karanlık, C.; Karanlık, G.; özdemir, S.; Tollu, G.; Erdoğmuş, A. Synthesis and characterization of novel BODIPYs and their antioxidant, antimicrobial, photodynamic antimicrobial, antibiofilm and DNA interaction activities. PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY, 2024, , 101-114.
54. Eskikaya, O.; Küçükosman, R.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Ocakoğlu, K.; Dizge, N. Investigation of the treatment and antibacterial properties of pollutant-containing water using black phosphorus blended polyethersulfone membranes (BP@PES). JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2024, , 104581-.
53. özdemir, S. Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of gold and silver nanoparticles in dextran–polyacrylamide copolymers. BIOMETALS, 2024, , 115-130.
52. Güngördü solğun, D.; özdemir, S.; Ağırtaş, M.; Tollu, G. Synthesis and biological properties of benzyl 2-(oxy)benzoate-substituted silicon phthalocyanine. JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MACROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, 2024, 104, 137-148.
51. Giray, G.; Gonca, S.; özdemir, S.; ışık, Z.; Tılmaz, E.; Soylak, M.; Dizge, N. Novel extracellular synthesized silver nanoparticles using thermophilic Anoxybacillus flavithermus and Geobacillus stearothermophilus and their evaluation as nanodrugs. PREPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2024, , 294-306.
50. özdemir, S.; Acer, .; Kılınç, E. Bioaccumulation, tolerance and removal of U(VI), and Th (IV) by a novel thermophilic Bacillus cereus ST14 isolated from hot spring mud samples in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, 2024, , 4341-4353.
49. Koçak, Y.; Aygün, A.; Altuner, E.; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Berikten, D.; Tiri, R.; şen, F. Eco friendly production of platinum nanoparticles: physicochemical properties, evaluation of biological and catalytic activities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2024, , 51-62.
48. Alterkaoui, A.; Eskikaya, O.; ışık, Z.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Dizge, N. Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (FeONPs) and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnONPs) Produced with Aerial Part Extract of Cucumber. BIONANOSCIENCE, 2024, 14, 5297-5309.
47. Tiri, R.; Aygün, A.; Bekmezci, M.; Gonca, S.; özdemir, S.; Kaymak, G.; Karimi‑maleh, H.; şen, F. Environmental Energy Production and Wastewater Treatment Using Synthesized Pd Nanoparticles with Biological and Photocatalytic Activity. TOPICS IN CATALYSIS, 2024, 67, 714-724.
46. Kaya, G.; Ondul koc, E.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Ocakoğlu, K.; Dizge, N. The Syntheses of Chromium Aluminum Carbide (Cr2AlC) MAX Phase and Cr2CTx MXene and Investigation of Their Antimicrobial Properties. APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2024, 196, 7747-7761.
45. şener, L.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Gülcan, M.; Dizge, N. Antibacterial activity of copper-decorated CeO2 nanoparticles and preparation of antifouling polyethersulfone surface. HELIYON, 2024, 10, -.
44. Aldraiwish, B.; Alaqeel, M.; Al-hoshani, N.; özdemir, S.; Octavian pacioglu, O.; Necula, M.; Milea, E.; Hedfi, A.; Rudaynı, H. Are microplastics efficient remediation tools for removing the statin Lipitor? A laboratory experiment with meiobenthic nematodes. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 2024, 11, -.
43. Yalçın, M.; özdemir, S.; Kılınç, E.; Soylak, M. A novel magnetized bio-solid phase extractor for the preconcentrations of Hg(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) from foods. JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS, 2024, 134, -.
42. özdemir, S. Experimental and computational assessment of Antiparkinson Medication effects on meiofauna: Case study of Benserazide and Trihexyphenidyl. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 2024, 205, -.
41. özdemir, S. Optimization of polyphenol extraction, phenolic profile by LC-ESI-MS/MS, antioxidant, anti-enzymatic, and cytotoxic activities of Physalis acutifolia. OPEN CHEMISTRY, 2024, 22, -.
40. Küçük, T.; Harmandar, K.; Yalçın, M.; Tuncel kostakoğlu, S.; şahin ün, .; Zengin, I.; Kaya, E.; özdemir, S.; Atilla, D. The phenoxy-bearing naphthalimide substituted phthalocyanines: Photophysicochemical and biological properties. POLYHEDRON, 2024, 261, -.
39. Yabalak, E.; özdemir, S.; Mahmood al-nuaimy, M.; Tollu, G. From cornfield to catalyst support: Eco-friendly synthesis of Cu/CuO nanoparticles, immobilization on the waste corn husk fibers, photocatalytic exploration and bioactivity evaluation. CHEMOSPHERE, 2024, 365, -.
38. Güngördü solğun, D.; özdemir, S.; Dündar, A.; Ağırtaş, M. Several biological properties and synthesis of 2‐(4‐methylthiazol‐5‐yl) ethoxy substitute zinc phthalocyanine. APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 2024, 38, -.
37. Güngördü solğun, D.; özdemir, S.; Dündar, A.; Ağırtaş, M. Synthesis and biological properties of axially bis − (3,4,5-trimethoxybenzyloxy) phthalocyaninato silicon (IV). JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A: CHEMISTRY, 2024, 456, -.
36. Harmandar, K.; Kaya, E.; Tollu, G.; şengül, .; özdemir, S.; Atilla, D. Synthesis, photo-physicochemical and biological properties of novel tetrahydropyrimidone-substituted metallo-phthalocyanines. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2024, 53, -.
35. özçeşmeci, M.; Gümrükçü, S.; ünlü, C.; Coşkun, .; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Tollu, G.; özçeşmeci, . Investigation of advanced biological properties of carbon, carbon‐boron quantum dots, and copper (II) phthalocyanine nanoconjugates. APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 2024, 58, -.
34. öztürk, N.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Tollu, G.; Bayır, Z.; Burkut koçak, M. Biological Performance of Hexadeca-Substituted Metal Phthalocyanine/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanobioagents. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, 2024, 7, -.
33. özdemir, S. Toxicity, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, and DNA Cleavage Effects of Dextran-Graft-Polyacrylamide/Zinc Oxide Nanosystems. CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 2024, 81, -.
32. özdemir, S. Doping zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles with gold induces additional oxidative stress, membrane damage, and neurotoxicity in Mytilus galloprovincialis: Results from a laboratory bioassay. JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 2024, 83, -.
31. Farajzadeh öztürk, N.; özdemir, S.; Giray, G.; Aftab, J.; Bayır, Z. Biological Applications of The Newly Designed Phthalocyanine‐Modified Gold Nanorods. CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2024, 9, -.
30. Ghasali, E.; Dizge, N.; Khataee, A.; Alterkaoui, A.; ışık, Z.; özdemir, S.; Orooji, Y. Biofouling mitigation of Nb2AlC and Mo3AlC2 MXene-precursors doped polyether sulfone mixed matrix membranes for pathogen microorganisms. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2024, 929, -.
29. Güzeler, N.; çay, A.; Koboyeva, F.; Esen, M. Effect of different production methods on quality parameters of Hatay Künefe cheese. JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH, 2023, 90, 1-5.
28. Esen, M.; Güzeler, N. The effects of the use of whey protein as a fat replacer on the composition, proteolysis, textural, meltability, microstructural, and sensory properties of reduced-fat Boru-type Künefe cheese during storage. INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, 2023, 137, 1-9.
27. özdemir, S.; Turkan ipek, I.; Kılınç, E.; Altuner, E.; şen, F. Bioaccumulation, resistance, and remediation of Mn(II) and Cu(II) and their impacts on antioxidant enzymes of Anoxybacillus flavithermus,. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 20, 10823-10834.
26. Turabik, M.; özdemir, S.; Akınbingöl, G.; Gonca, S.; Geçgel, C. Comparison of antioxidant, antimicrobial, DNA cleavage, cell viability, and biofilm inhibition activities of mono- and bimetallic copper and zinc nanoparticles. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 2023, 155, 111072-.
25. Karimi, F.; Elhouda tiri, R.; Aygün, A.; Gulbagca, F.; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Gür, T.; şen, F. One-step synthesized biogenic nanoparticles using Linum usitatissimum: Application of sun-light photocatalytic, biological activity and electrochemical H2O2 sensor. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2023, 218, 114757-.
24. ışık, Z.; Bouchareb, R.; Arslan, H.; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Dizge, N.; Balakrishnan, D. Green synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles derived from water and methanol extract of Centaurea solstitialis leaves and tested for antimicrobial activity and dye decolorization capability. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2023, , 115072-.
23. çuhadar, B.; Kalkan burat, A.; Giray, G.; özdemir, S. Non-peripheral and peripheral tetrasubstituted metallophthalocyanines having dichlorophenylthio groups as novel biological active materials for antioxidant, DNA cleavage, antimicrobial, and biofilm inhibition activities,. POLYHEDRON, 2023, , 116593-.
22. Gonca, S.; Polat, B.; özay, Y.; Küçükkara, .; özdemir, S.; Atmaca, H.; Dizge, N. Investigation of diode laser effect on inactivation of Gram negative bacteria, Gram positive bacteria and yeast and its disinfection. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 44, 1238-1250.
21. özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Kılınç, E.; Soylak, M. A fungal functionalized magnetized solid phase extractor for preconcentrations of Pb(II), Mn(II), and Co(II) from real samples. FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2023, 413, 135608-.
20. özdemir, S.; Turkan ipek, I.; Kılınç, E.; Bayat, R.; şen, F. The removal of heavy metal pollution from wastewaters using thermophilic B. cereus SO-16 bacteria. CHEMOSPHERE, 2023, 311, 136986-.
19. özdemir, S.; Dündar, A.; Dizge, N.; Kılınç, E.; Balakrishnan, D.; Sai prasad, K.; Senthilkumar, N. Preconcentrations of Pb(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) by solid phase bio-extractor using thermophilic Bacillus subtilis loaded multiwalled carbon nanotube biosorbent,. CHEMOSPHERE, 2023, 317, 137840-.
18. Küçükosman, R.; ışık, Z.; Ocakoğlu, K.; Dizge, N.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; Sharma, P.; Balakrishnan, D. Boron-based magnesium diboride nanosheets preparation and tested for antimicrobial properties for PES membrane. CHEMOSPHERE, 2023, 339, 139340-.
17. özay, Y.; Kahya, K.; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Dizge, N.; Ocakoğlu, K.; Külekci, M. Antifouling and antibacterial performance evaluation of polyethersulfone membranes modified with AZ63 alloy. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 87, 1616-1629.
16. Harmandar, K.; önal, E.; şengül, .; özdemir, S.; Devrim, A. New AB3-type porphyrins with piperidine and morpholine motifs; synthesis and photo-physicochemical and biological properties,. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2023, 52, 2672-2683.
15. Aşık, M.; Akbay, .; özdemir, S.; Genç altürk, R. pH-Responsive Self-Healing of Chemically Modified Tragacanth Gum Hydrogel as antibiotic Release System, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS AND POLYMERIC BIOMATERIALS, 2023, 72, 308-318.
14. Harmandar, K.; Gonca, S.; Küçük, T.; Günay, A.; Atilla, D.; özdemir, S.; Gürek, A. Zn(II) phthalocyanines having fluoroether groups: Synthesis, characterization, photo-physicochemical and biological properties. J. PORPHYRINS PHTHALOCYANINES, 2023, 27, 340-349.
13. Akarsu, C.; özdemir, S.; özay, Y.; Acer, .; Dizge, N. Investigation of two different size microplastic degradation ability of thermophilic bacteria using polyethylene polymers. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 44, 3710-3720.
12. Bouras, H.; Noureddine, B.; Alterkaoui, A.; ışık, Z.; Gonca, S.; özdemir, S.; Dizge, N. Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Saccharothrix algeriensis and Preparation of Antifouling PES Membranes. WATER, AIR, & SOIL POLLUTION, 2023, 234, 457-.
11. Saleh, M.; ışık, Z.; Belibağlı, P.; Arslan, H.; Gonca, S.; özdemir, S.; Kudaibergenov, N.; Khataee, A.; Dizge, N. Fabrication of Ag nanoparticles coated leonardite basalt ceramic membrane with improved antimicrobial properties for DNA cleavage, E. coli removal and antibiofilm effects,. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2023, 128, 532-541.
10. çevik, S.; Kurt, O.; Güzel değer, A.; Kocaçinar, F.; Binzet, R. Beta-carbonic anhydrase gene expression levels change depending on the drought severity in both the leaves and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS, 2023, 47, 541-555.
9. Eskikaya, O.; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Dizge, N.; Balakrishnan, D.; Shaik, F.; Senthilkumar, N. A comparative study of iron nanoflower and nanocube in terms of antibacterial properties. APPLIED NANOSCIENCE, 2023, 13, 5421-5433.
8. El hajam, M.; ıdrissi kandri, N.; özdemir, S.; Plavan, G.; Ben hamadi, N.; Boufahja, F.; Zerouale, A. Statistical Design and Optimization of Cr (VI) Adsorption onto Native and HNO3/NaOH Activated Cedar Sawdust Using AAS and a Response Surface Methodology (RSM),. MOLECULES, 2023, 28, 7271-.
7. Arslan, H.; öndül koç, E.; özay, Y.; Canlı, O.; özdemir, S.; Tollu, G.; Dizge, N. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of phenolic extracts from walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husk by using pressure driven membrane process. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 60, 73-83.
6. Yefimova, S.; Klochkov, V.; Kavok, N.; Tkachenko, A.; Onishchenko, A.; Dizge, N.; özdemir, S.; Gonca, S.; Ocakoğlu, K. Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity study of cerium oxide nanoparticles with two different sizes. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART B: APPLIED BIOMATERIALS, 2023, 111, 872-880.
5. Kaşıkçı, A.; Katırcı, R.; özdemir, S.; Yalçın, M.; özçeşmeci, M. Glycerol group substituted bis(2-pyridylimino)isoindoline (BPI) complexes: synthesis, characterization and investigation of their biological properties. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2023, 52, 9993-10004.
4. Yenilmez, H.; Farajzadeh, N.; Güler kuşçulu, N.; Bahar, D.; özdemir, S.; Tollu, D.; Güllü, M.; Altuntaş bayır, Z. Effect of Axial Ligand Length on Biological and Anticancer Properties of Axially Disubstituted Silicon Phthalocyanines. CHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY, 2023, 20, -.
3. özdemir, S. HPLC-DAD-MS Characterization, Antioxidant Activity, α-amylase Inhibition, Molecular Docking, and ADMET of Flavonoids from Fenugreek Seeds. MOLECULES, 2023, 28, -.
2. Yenilmez, H.; Farajzadeh, N.; Tollu, G.; Güler kuşçulu, N.; Dilek, B.; özdemir, S.; Altuntaş bayır, Z. Silicon Phthalocyanines as Anti-infectious, Antioxidant, and Anticancer Agents. CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2023, 8, -.
1. Esen, M.; Güzeler, N. The effects of the use of whey protein as a fat replacer on the composition, proteolysis, textural, meltability, microstructural, and sensory properties of reduced-fat Boru-type Künefe cheese during storage. INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, 2023, , -.

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