[sdsn Global] Your Weekly Funding Opportunities

📣 Your Weekly Funding Opportunities 📣

As every week, we are thrilled to present a fresh set of funding opportunities across various fields of sustainable development! Below, you will also find a comprehensive list of all currently open funding opportunities from previous editions.

If you're considering applying for any of the opportunities listed, please feel free to share your interest in the comments section or connect with your Country Manager, as there may be other members keen to collaborate on a joint application.

Also, to ensure that you receive all opportunities, please make sure to update your email settings (LINK). If you have any questions related to this change, feel free to reach out to Gautham Varada Narayan (gautham.narayan@unsdsn.org). Enjoy! 🥳

New in:

  1. Call for Applications: Ocean Exploration & Discovery
  2. Call for Proposals: Pathways Communication Grants
  3. Call for Entries: Expense Support Grant Program
  4. Call For Proposals: CDRI Fellowship

All currently open calls:

Grant-making opportunities

1. Applications open for USAID Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) Program

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is inviting applications for the Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) program. Through a year-round grant competition, Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) sources proposals for innovations that address international development challenges and improve the lives of people living in poverty in developing countries around the world. DIV provides tiered funding to pilot, test, and transition to scale (i.e., grow to reach the highest number of beneficiaries possible) those innovations that demonstrate evidence of impact, cost-effectiveness, and the potential to scale.

Funding information: More than USD 1 million

Deadline Date: Oct 31, 2024

2. Call for Proposals: Eurofins Foundation Project Grant 2024

The Eurofins Foundation is seeking applications for grant opportunity for projects that contribute to global health and safety and protecting the environment. The objective of the Eurofins Foundation are to support initiatives, across different fields, which share these same goals. The foundation supports initiatives aiming at protecting the environment, improving nutrition and health, helping nonprofits and social businesses working in the fields of environment or health protection and nutrition improvement, promoting inclusion, diversity and equality and all levels of society

Deadline Date: October 31, 2024

3. Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund Grant Program

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is offering grants to support species conservation work. The Fund gives priority to those species facing a height threat of extinction (with an emphasis on Endangered and Critically Endangered species), as well as those which are listed as Data Deficient or unlisted but are suspected as highly threatened. The Fund is primarily interested in providing support to in situ conservation work in the field, focusing on the species in its natural habitat.

Funding Information: Up to USD 25,000

Deadline Date: October 31, 2024

4. Submit Applications for Wild Animal Initiative Seed Grants

The Wild Animal Initiative’s Seed Grants program provides small amounts of funding to help institutions develop new ideas or build wild animal welfare questions into existing projects. Eligible projects include those that are standalone, or those that add a wild animal welfare component to an existing non-Wild Animal Initiative funded project to broaden its scope.

Funding Information: Up to USD 10,000

Deadline Date: November 1, 2024

5. Applications open for Sydney Bailey Fund

The Conflict Research Society is seeking applications for its Sydney Bailey Fund to promote academic and policy-relevant research on conflict processes and cooperation. The CRS boasts an international membership supporting leading and world class research on conflict and peace. The Society provides a forum of deliberation for their partners including leading global academic institutions and NGOs.

Funding Information: Up to USD 1,000

Deadline Date: November 1, 2024

6. EQT Foundation’s Grant Program

They are currently seeking research proposals that can deliver impactful solutions to reduce methane emissions in areas like agriculture, industrial manufacturing, waste management, and others. Whether your project involves developing better agricultural practices, improving methane capture technologies, or reducing emissions from fossil fuel systems, they want to support your work.

Funding Information: Up to USD 100,000

Deadline Date: November 8, 2024

7. Call for Applications: Research Grants on Urban Climate Resilience

The Global Disaster Preparedness Center is pleased to announce the launch of its small research grants program, focused on the theme climate resilience in urban areas. The initiative aims to deepen their understanding of urban climate resilience by supporting original research in low and middle-income countries. The program is designed to expand the evidence base and contribute to building more resilient urban environments in the face of climate change.

Funding Information: Up to USD 10,000

Deadline Date: November 12, 2024

8. Climate Risk Insurance Products Program 2024

The InsuResilience Solutions Fund seeks to increase the resilience and capacity of developing and emerging countries to adapt to climate change. Contribution to the development and implementation of climate risk insurance coverage for poor and vulnerable beneficiaries in developing and emerging countries, and therefore contributing to the adaption to climate change.

Funding Information: Up to USD 15,000

Deadline Date: November 13, 2024

9. NEW Call for Applications: Ocean Exploration & Discovery

The National Geographic Society is accepting applications for the Level I grants in support of the Schmidt Ocean Institute- National Geographic Society partnership. The goal of the partnership is to provide early career ocean scientists from around the world the opportunity to lead impactful projects that will explore, understand and inform the protection of the ocean.

Funding Information: Up to USD 20,000

Deadline Date: November 14, 2024

10. CFPs: DUT Program for Sustainable Urban Transitions

The Driving Urban Transitions is accepting grant proposals to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. The program focus on urban areas, in the context of achieving climate neutral and sustainable cities projects are expected to be focused on urban areas (including peri-urban areas) and their issues and challenges. Where appropriate, they may also consider the effects and impact on other territories like rural areas or consider urban-rural relationships.

Funding information: More than USD 1,000,000

Deadline Date: November 14, 2024

11. RFPs: Evaluating Plant-wide and Process-specific Quantification Methods Project

The Water Research Foundation is requesting proposals for the Evaluating Plant-wide and Process-specific Quantification Methods Project to perform greenhouse gas (GHG) measurements using multiple techniques at the same time at two or more water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) to inform the industry of the advantages and disadvantages of each technique.

Funding information: Up to USD 350,000

Deadline Date: November 14, 2024

12. Pairi Daiza Foundation Grant for Biodiversity and Conservation Research

The Pairi Daiza Foundation was created from the desire to draw attention to the value of biodiversity, to create a stronger bond with nature, and to create a lasting commitment to its conservation. Pairi Daiza Foundation provides opportunities to Researchers via project funding or sampling agreements. Pairi Daiza Park belongs to the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) and the Pairi Daiza Foundation is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Funding information: USD 2,500

Deadline Date: November 15, 2024

13. RFP: The Foundations of Water Resource Planning

The Water Research Foundation is requesting proposals for its project titled Foundations of Water Resource Planning: Guidance for Establishing Water Utility Service Levels. This RFP is intentionally flexible in the research approach to encourage creativity and originality from proposers. Proposers should describe how they will conduct the research to meet the objectives.

Funding information: USD 175,000

Deadline Date: November 21, 2024

14. Asia Climate Solutions Design Grant Program

The Asia Climate Solutions (ACS) Design Grant awards grant funding for the design and launch of innovative blended finance solutions that mobilize private capital to sectors critical for climate transition and resilience in developing markets in Asia. The ACS Design Grant aims to demonstrate the potential of funding from family offices, foundations, and donor agencies to catalyze blended finance solutions addressing the climate finance gap, at scale.

Funding information: USD 50,000 to USD 200,000

Deadline Date: November 22, 2024

15. NEW Call for Proposals: Pathways Communication Grants

Applications are now open for Pathways Communication Grants to support innovative ways of communicating scientific outcomes of place-based research projects on pathways for sustainability to educate and engage with non-academic audiences. The Pathways Communication Grants Program seeks to ensure that scientific contributions supporting the development of pathways for sustainability reach relevant audiences beyond the scientific community.

Funding information: USD 5,000 to USD 15,000

Deadline Date: December 22, 2024

16. The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation Grant

The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation is seeking applications to protect the environment, improve food production, and promote public health in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the Middle East. The Foundation prefers to support projects that address under-funded issues and geographic areas.

Funding information: USD 50,000

Deadline Date: January 01, 2025

17. Crowder Messersmith Conservation Grant Program

The Nature Forward is providing Crowder Messersmith Conservation Grant Program to help small, local conservation and education projects in developing countries by providing seed money to communities and individuals whose projects have not attracted major support from other sources.

Funding information: USD 3,000

Deadline Date: January 06, 2025

18. RFPs: Climate and Mental Health Fund

Applications are now open for the Wellcome Trust’s Climate and Mental Health Fund for Uncovering Mechanisms Between Heat and Mental Health. This award will fund projects to advance understanding of the biological, psychological and/or social mechanisms through which heat affects anxiety, depression and psychosis in the most impacted groups globally. Successful applications will identify relevant climate-resilient and/or mental health interventions with a realistic potential for real-world application.

Funding information: Up to USD 3,000,000

Deadline Date: January 21, 2025

19. NEW Call for Entries: Expense Support Grant Program

Are you a faculty member or graduate student in need of funding for your academic research? If yes, then this call is for you! Whether you need support for travel, research collaboration, journal submissions, or other eligible expenses, the program is designed to help offset the costs associated with your project. This funding opportunity is open to graduate students and faculty conducting research within the liberal tradition at an accredited college or university.

Funding information: Up to USD 5,000

Deadline: Ongoing

20. Open Call for Smurfit Kappa Foundation Grant Program (see link for eligible countries)

If you support projects that positively impact the lives of underprivileged people in the communities where Smurfit Kappa Group (SKG) has a presence, then apply for the Smurfit Kappa Foundation Grant Program. Projects must be focused on several areas, such as sustainability and support at least one SDG.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

21. Call for Applications: Global Impact Cash Grant Program for NGOs & NPOs

Cisco welcomes applications for Global Impact Cash Grants from community partners around the world who share their vision and offer an innovative approach to a critical social challenge, like climate impact and regeneration. They support programs that foster bold climate solutions as well as community education and activation.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

22. Open call for Amphibian Survival Alliance’s Emergency Grants Program

The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) has announced the Emergency Grants Program to provide rapid financial support for urgent conservation actions that prevent the imminent extinction of threatened amphibian species or populations.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

23. Applications open for Lush Charity Pot Grant

Applicants are now encouraged to submit applications for the Lush Charity Pot Grant to groups working in the areas of Animal Protection, Environment and Human Rights (incl. social justice, peace & equality)

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

24. Call for Applications: Time Land Purchase Grant Program

Are you a conservation NGO looking to protect biodiversity in your area? This is My Earth (TiME) is excited to offer grants to help local organizations purchase and protect land for the benefit of all species, now and in the future. TiME’s Grant Program offers funding for the purchase of land that will be permanently protected, owned, and managed by local partner organizations. To be eligible for the program, the land should be of significant importance for biodiversity conservation and under the threat of destruction or degradation. This unique opportunity is open to conservation organizations worldwide that wish to purchase biodiverse lands for their long-term protection.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

25. Call for Proposals: Innovating for Climate Resilience Fund

The Global Innovation Fund (GIF) has launched its Innovating for Climate Resilience fund in partnership with the Adaptation Research Alliance and the Global Resilience Partnership, with seed funding from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office. The Innovating for Climate Resilience fund invests, through grant, equity, and debt instruments, in innovations with the potential to scale and support the world’s poorest to build resilience and adaptation.

Funding information: More than USD 1 million

Deadline: Ongoing

26. Rapid Ocean Conservation Grants Program

The Waitt Foundation is seeking applications for its Rapid Ocean Conservation (ROC) Grants Program. ROC Grants provide small grants with a quick turnaround time for solutions to emerging conservation issues and ocean protection. This complements the Waitt Foundation’s existing major grants program and is responsive to conservation opportunities, supports higher-risk ideas at a low financial cost, and engages with small, local NGOs on a global scale.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

27. Global Impact Cash Grant Program for NGOs and NPOs

Cisco welcomes applications for Global Impact Cash Grants from community partners around the world who share their vision and offer an innovative approach to a critical social challenge.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

28. Catalyst Fund, Roddenberry Foundation

The Roddenberry Foundation is accepting applications for its Catalyst Fund from anyone, anywhere in the world who has an early-stage idea.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

29. Climate Innovation Fund, Microsoft

Funding information: Microsoft is pleased to announce an open call for the Climate Innovation Fund to accelerate technology development and deployment of new climate innovations through equity and debt capital.

Deadline: Ongoing

30. Call for Applications, Daily Grant Program, The Pollination Project

Micro grants 365 days a year to grassroots global change agents who seek to spread compassion in their communities and in the world for the benefit of all. To contribute to the creation of a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world for all.

Funding information: total cost for the immediate project for which you are requesting funding from TPP must be less than USD 40,000

Deadline: Ongoing

31. Expedition Grants, Explorers Club and Discovery, Inc.

To foster scientific understanding for the betterment of humanity and all life on Earth and beyond, including our commitment to mitigate climate change, prevent the extinction of species and cultures, and ensure the health of our lands, oceans and all that inhabit them.

Funding information: grants generally range from USD 25,000 to USD 40,000.

Deadline: Ongoing

32. Call for Applications, Fund for International Development, OPEC

To provide financial assistance to developing countries, particularly low-income countries, in support of their economic and social development efforts.

Funding information: amounts of up to USD 100,000, OPEC Fund's contribution to a stand-alone project should not exceed 50% of the total cost of the said project

Deadline: Ongoing

33. Internet Freedom Fund, Open Technology Fund

To support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-focused projects that promote human rights, Internet freedom, open societies.

Funding information: Minimum of USD 10,000 and maximum of 900,000 for a year-long contract. Note, however, that OTF’s target support ceiling is USD 300,000; most supported efforts receive between USD 50,000 and 200,000.

Deadline: Ongoing

34. Rapid Response Fund, Open Technology Fund

Aims to facilitate the digital emergency response community to resolve threats in a timely and comprehensive manner for individuals, communities, and organizations whose free expression has recently been repressed.

Funding information: total value of support cannot exceed USD 50,000. Average support amounts are between USD 5,000 and USD 25,000.

Deadline: Ongoing

35. Grant Program, Fund for Innovation in Development

A new initiative to support innovation that contributes to reducing global poverty and inequality. Through flexible grant funding, FID enables innovators and researchers to test new ideas, build rigorous evidence of what works, and scale the highest-impact and most cost- effective solutions.

Deadline: Ongoing

36. Global Innovation Fund (GIF)

This program seeks to invest in social innovations that aim to improve the lives and opportunities of millions of people in the developing world. Open to funding innovations in any sector as long as they can demonstrate their innovation improves the lives of those living on less than USD 5 PPP per day.

Funding information: USD 50,000 to USD 15,000,000

Deadline: Ongoing

37. SwedBio Funding Program for CSOs, International Organisations, Institutes & Universities

SwedBio welcomes submissions of concept notes to support a limited number of strategic initiatives through their ‘Collaborative Partner Implementation Pathway’. Grouped under Themes are five different thematic focal areas, some with close interlinkages. These are Livelihood, food & health; Cities & biodiversity; Biocultural diversity; Climate change & ecosystems; and Values & governance.

Funding information: USD 10,000 to USD 100,000

Deadline: Ongoing

Fellowships and other opportunities

1. Wellcome Career Development Fellowship

Wellcome's Career Development provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programs of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding related to human life, health and wellbeing.

Deadline Date: November 26, 2024

2. NEW Call For Proposals: CDRI Fellowship

Applications are now open for the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure Fellowship Programme to invest in cutting-edge research and innovative solutions towards disaster and climate resilient infrastructure. The Fellowship provides financial support, peer learning and capacity development opportunities to promote transformative, actionable and scalable solutions for real world issues related to disaster resilience of infrastructure. The Fellowship Programme is designed to create a global multi-disciplinary pool of future-ready professionals and practitioners who will help shape resilient infrastructure systems to prepare for a growingly uncertain future.

Deadline Date: November 30, 2024

3. Entries open for WWF Food Systems Fellowship

The WWF’s Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN) invites applications from aspiring and experienced researchers, practitioners, and leaders to pursue graduate-level studies (master’s and PhD) geared towards research that cultivates a better understanding of the place-based nature of food systems and transformation. There is substantial evidence at the global scale of the urgent need for food system transformation, but less attention has been paid to how transformations toward more healthy and sustainable food systems might play out at the national level.

Deadline Date: December 18, 2024

4. Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity

Looking for Fellows who are bold and ready to challenge power; who see the bigger picture of how inequalities are playing out; who are imaginative and daring in the way they envision solutions; who bring care and collaboration into their practice; who recognise the significance of lived experience of inequality, whose own lived experience informs their practice; and who focus not on advancing their careers, but on their commitment to changing the world through collective and collaborative approaches.

Deadline Date: January 10, 2025

5. Kleinhans Fellowship Program

Applications are now open for Kleinhans Fellowship Program for research that is oriented toward solving real-world problems. Researchers of any nationality or residence are eligible for the Kleinhans Fellowship; however, the research itself must be conducted in Latin America. Applicants must have a master’s degree in forestry, ecology, botany, environmental science or an appropriate related field. Doctoral candidates or post-doctoral researchers are preferred, although applicants may substitute relevant experience for higher-level degrees.

Deadline Date: February 28, 2025

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