Jeoloji Mühendisliği

Son İki Yılda Uluslararası Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
17. Eren, M.; Palvanov, M.; Kadir, S. Micro-karstification in a stalactite from Küpeli Cave, southern Turkey. CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, 2024, 39, 1-11.
16. Kurt, M.; Yalçın, S.; Güler, C.; Güven, O.; Yıldırım, . Pollution Source and Soil Quality Assessments of Heavily Contaminated Soils by Selected Potentially Toxic Elements in a Human-Degraded Wetland Area. SUSTAINABILITY, 2024, 16, 1-16.
15. Tzırıtıs, E.; Sachsamanoglou, E.; Güler, C. Evaluating spatiotemporal groundwater quality changes in the Rhodope coastal aquifer system (NE Greece) employing a GIS-assisted hybrid approach of multivariate statistics and inverse geochemical modeling. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2024, 947, 1-19.
14. Robertson, A.; Parlak, O.; Taslı, K.; Solak, C.; Dumitrica, P.; Danelian, T. Lower Palaeozoic-Paleogene geological development of a deep-water rift (Güzelsu Corridor) along the northern continental margin of the Southern Neotethys in the Eastern Mediterranean region: Evidence from the Antalya Complex and the adjacent Tauride Carbonate Platform. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2024, 252, 104741-.
13. Solak, C.; Taslı, K. Stratigraphic distribution and importance of some imperforate benthic foraminifera from the upper Campanian–Maastrichtian of the Tauride Carbonate Platform, Türkiye. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2024, 153, 105710-.
12. Eren, M.; Palvanov, M. Characterization of detrital sediments within a stalagmite: their origins and influence on stalagmite morphology. ANNALES SOCIETATIS GEOLOGORUM POLONIAE, 2024, 94, 287-296.
11. Robertson, A.; Parlak, O.; Taslı, K. Testing alternative tectonic models for the Permian-Pleistocene tectonic development of the Kyrenia Range, N Cyprus: Implications for E Mediterranean Tethyan palaeogeography. GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2024, 132, 343-379.
10. Koç, H.; Sağaltıcı, . Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Middle–Upper Jurassic Platform carbonate succession in Kıraç Mountain (Western Central Taurides, S Turkey). STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION, 2024, 32, 64-88.
9. Koç, H.; Dinçer, B. Stratigraphy and microfacies analysis of the Lower–Middle Jurassic platform carbonate succession in the Yeşilovacık (Mersin) area (Central Taurides, S Turkiye). JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2024, 220, -.
8. Parısı, A.; Alfıo, M.; Balacco, G.; Güler, C.; Fıdelıbus, M. Analyzing spatial and temporal evolution of groundwater salinization through Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Hydrogeochemical Facies Evolution-Diagram. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2023, 862, 1-15.
7. Eren, E.; Yuyucu karabulut, Y.; Eren, M.; Kadir, S. Mineralogy, geochemistry, and micromorphology of human kidney stones (urolithiasis) from Mersin, the southern Turkey. ENVIRON GEOCHEM HEALTH, 2023, 45, 1-17.
6. Kadir, S.; Külah, T.; Erkoyun, H.; Helvacı, C.; Eren, M.; Demiral, B. Mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of lithium-bearing argillaceous sediments associated with the Neogene Bigadiç borate deposits, Balıkesir, western Anatolia, Türkiye. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, 2023, 242, 1-20.
5. Solak, C.; Taslı, K. Aptian–Albian shallow-marine carbonate successions of the Geyik Dağı and the Anamas Dağ areas (Central Taurides, Turkey): Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and “Palaeocornuloculina” taurica nov. sp. (Foraminifera). GEOBIOS, 2023, 78, 1-20.
4. Eren, M.; Palvanov, M.; Kadir, S. Micro-karstification in a stalagmite, Küpeli Cave, southern Turkey. ACTA CARSOLOGICA, 2023, 51, 117-131.
3. Eren, M. Implications of brecciation in Pennsylvanian Atoka Bank complex carbonates, Eddy County, New Mexico. ANNALES SOCIETATIS GEOLOGORUM POLONIAE, 2023, 93, 345-352.
2. Kapur, S.; Kadir, S.; Kellıng, G.; Akça, E.; Topaksu, M.; Sakarya, N.; Yeğingil, Z.; Eren, M.; Adsil fıtzpatrıck, E. Fired shards from selected ancient Anatolian ceramics: a brief review of their mineralogical nature and pedological?microstructural evolution. TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 2023, 32, 555-576.
1. Solak, C.; Taslı, K. Aptian–Albian shallow-marine carbonate successions of the Geyik Dağı and the Anamas Dağ areas (Central Taurides, Turkey): Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and “Palaeocornuloculina” taurica nov. sp. (Foraminifera). GEOBIOS, 2023, 78, 63-82.